The Joy Of Bondage

My photos of bondage, spanking, BDSM, public nudity, naked girls, and random cool stuff

Teacher Spanks

Teacher Spanks OTK

Teacher takes Maggie over his knee for a spanking

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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On Display

Nude slave girl on display.

“I hope to reflect credit upon my master,” she said.
“You will, or be beaten,” I said.
“Of course, Master.”
“You must keep yourself fastidiously beautiful, walk well, and such.”
“Yes, Master.”
The slave, of course, has no choice in such matters. She is her master’s property and is on display.

John Norman – Guardsmen of Gor

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Nude girl, tied with her legs spread

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Trussed and Ready for Stuffing

Nude Girl Trussed and Ready for Stuffing

Now where did I put my turkey baster

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Chained, Collared and Caged

Naked girl, chained, clooared and caged.

Naked but for collar and chains, Lacey waits in her cage for…

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Public Bondage

Mark DeViate & Lani DeViate from Sydney Australia at Folsom Street Fair, 2009. For more great public bondage pictures, visit Public Disgrace.

© 2012 – 2013, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Nipple Torture

Nipple Torture

All the best toys come from Ace Hardware

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Depth of Field

Nude portrait with puffy nipple in sharp focus

Let me take you back to the days before auto focus, when 200ASA was fast film, and a large aperture meant limited depth of field. So, sometimes you had to chose what to focus on really carefully. In my case it seems I chose the model’s left nipple. All these years later I still think it was not a bad choice.

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Slave Girl Whipped

Girls commonly like seeing other girls being beaten, whom they think are too proud, or whom they don’t like. It is almost a holiday in the slave quarters when a high slave is to be whipped, particularly if she is then to be reduced to the status of a common girl. “Am I permitted to feel shame, humiliation?” she asked, angrily.
“Of course,” I said. “Those are emotions which are permitted to slaves.”

John Norman – Blood Brothers of Gor

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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Ass Hook

Ass Hook

Because i know some of you will want a closer look at this

© 2012, Andrew Conway. All rights reserved.

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